lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

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The Volcanoes

A volcano is the release of energy from the earth, the material ejected modify the topography and temperature of the atmosphere. The volcanoes are classified as follows:

Vulcaniano Volcano: This name was taken from Vulcan, the materials are thrown type rhyolite lavas, which solidify rapidly, forming a plug with internal pressure. It produces a huge explosion and then dropping bombs. it is formed a large plume. Example:  Krakatoa 

Hawaiian Volcano: Hawaiian Volcanoes spew  this gently flowing lava of high temperature. No exhaust gas   explosive ash or solid material. Example: Kilahuea

Strombolian: the name was taken from the Stromboli volcano in Italy. this type of rash shows regular activity of alternating quiet and viscous liquid effusions  with violent and explosive phases. Example: Etna Strombolian 2002

Pliniano    Volcano: This category is similar to volcanic Vesubian type in the amount of ejected material, Plinian eruptions are characterized by the high amount of ash and pyroclastic ash columns are characterized by giant cauliflowers resemble that rise thousands of feet from the crater.

This type of volcano is named after Pliny, a Roman scientist, was the one who witnessed and described a rash of this type. Volcanoes of this type show so much ash and pyroclastics, which can alter the landscape significantly. Example: Vesubio

Peleano Volcano: Fight: This term comes from the Bald Mountain, this is a violent explosion, effusion little slimy, gross accumulation of gases and abundant volcanic clouds, lava particles formed at high temperatures, high pitched, descending with violence by the cone and burning everything in their path. 

 Look for the types of the volcanoes in the next game:

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